Establishing a healthy and independent world
Today's society is good at putting pressure on us when it comes to fitness and body ideals.
The sloth believes that it is counterproductive to see people on social media all day long who seem to be even better and fitter than you (no matter how far you have come).
Potential beginners won't even start because all they see is how much others have reached already.
The aim of SLOTHGAINS is to redefine this gym culture.
Away from the pressure to perform. Towards having fun with exercise.
Not taking yourself too seriously. And no one else.
Not to be reduced to external values. At least not exclusively.
Be open to communication. Not for the same old playlist.
Celebrate every little success. At your own comfy pace.
Go slow but consistent.
We ultimately aim to establish an independent and healthy world. Not only by clothes. But also by implementing the next generation of gym memberships (currently loading).
All designs have been created individually.
We currently have 2 main providers (one for all-over clothes, one for basics), to ensure the best quality throughout the whole collection. So please don't wonder if you get redirected to another website if you take a look at the basic collection
From Leipzig with Love <3